Saturday, February 23, 2008

Wow! What a Friday!

Yesterday morning we awoke to snow on the ground and schools closed.... No TJ and no Colton..... I had the day to myself basicly..... My computer almost "crashed" yesterday..... I turned it on, and all I got was a blue screen saying there had been an error.... Couldn't go any farther.... I was kinda "lost" without my computer for the day.... Scott came home at lunch and took it to Deb's Dad's for fixing.... We thought a complete "wipe out" would be needed.... But he was able to fix it with the whole restart.... I had it back when Scott came home from work....

So anyhow, I spent my Friday cleaning here and there.... putting laundry away..... and watching some t.v...... At 4:30 I headed to do chored..... Fed and played with Bear for a while, he loves the snow..... Then went to the chicken coop, gave them their treat of cracked corn, checked there water, collected eggs, (up to 9 a day now), and thanked the girls for their hard work..... Then to the barn..... by 5:00I was back in the house, just in time for the phone to ring.....

It was Shannon..... I talk to her everyday, sometimes for hours..... She wanted to update me on what happened after we got off the phone at 2:30..... The kids had been outside playing, sledding, etc... She yelled and said "time to come in", Jacob ended up crashing into the backporch or the patio (one of the two).... but anyhow at trip to the E.R. was needed.... they suspect a sprain, but if he's not walking on it by Monday, they have to go back.... by then the sweeling should be down, and they can get a better look at it..... Poor kid.....

Last night we had a "fend for yourselves" night for supper.... Scott and I both didn't feel good.... So we had some ramen noodles, and hot tea...... We went to bed at 8:00..... Slept until 6:00 this morning.... We both felt better!

So anyhow.... today is Saturday, Scott is working, Scottie just got home at 5:30, he's playing Playstation, Tony & Darren are both still sleeping..... I have a few things to get done.... Scrub the kitchen floor, vacuum the living room, clean out the bird cages, and empty the dishwasher.... We are having spagetti for supper, so I need to get the sauce going soon....

Have a great Saturday!

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