Thursday, July 24, 2008

it's been 11 days.....

Guess I've been busy.... and I just really haven't been in the mood to write lately.... A few things have changed....

I got a vehicle.... a 1995 Chevy Blazer.... 4 door.... maroon..... for $1,000.00 (and I get to make payments, since I just can't pull out $1,000.00 in cash....).... it has a few minor issues.... but no big deal....

Darren's truck was hauled off to the junk yard on Tuesday.... he got $300.00 for it.... now he 's saving for something else....

Tony's car has made it's way home.... Scottie is slowly fixing it up....

This past weekend Scott & I hit up 2 flea markets..... made over $300.00 for about 13 hours of "work".... Next Saturday (Aug 2nd) is another big day in Port Royal for a flea market, so weather permitting, we'll set up there again.....

I have a full day today..... dishes, laundry, swiffering the kitchen, bathroom, & living room, also dusting, & cleaning the bathroom..... and I promised Colton a ride in the "new car".....

So until another time, make it a great one!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well another weekend has come and gone.... It is Sunday evening.... We are relaxing watching one of my favorite reality shows, Big Brother 10.... tonight is the first show of the season....

Mr. Moe Man (our bull) has finally made his way to a new home.... Paul & his son, Kevin, came to pick him up last night..... Scott, Jeff, and Kevin(Hart) helped them load him up.... We stopped by this evening to "visit" him.... He's a happy boy.... In a pen with 4 "women", all the silage & hay he can eat, at all times.... He's not gonna want to come home.... LOL....

Today Scott went to Jeff's and helped him work on his chicken coop.... I did some light house work, then headed over there myself.... Deb & I hung out playing online (they have DSL....).... then we all went to Little Buffalo to the lake, for some kayaking & lunch.... Of course the rain came early, & we got rained out....

I was down in the garden this evening.... checked on my garlic.... it's doing pretty good.... Looked at all my tomato "bushes".... and was finally able to get a couple cherry tomatoes that were ripe.... another week or so & the beans should be starting with blossoms, then we'll be having beans coming out our ears AGAIN.... but that's ok, we'll make some money selling them.... my onions are getting HUGE..... and they are so pepper plants, I'm not really sure what is happening there.... but they are small still.... I guess maybe by September I might be able to get a few peppers off there.... I might try going to the amish greenhouse and see of they are still selling pepper plants..... Just to get a few good ones in the ground.....

So anyhow.... Tomorrow is Monday.... I have some important things to take care..... more packing of course.... Scott wants all the "little" things from our room packed..... I also need to call a dog groomer for Bear, since our clippers broke about 1/2 way through the job..... then I will be calling a mortgage finacial consultant.... (We're going to try and buy a place of our own....).... I would also like to get out into the garden & pull a few weeds.... the ground will be nice & soft thanks to all the rain we've had so far..... (At 8PM, we already had 1.6" in the rain gauge..... and it's still raining.....)....

Also, please remember my sister in law, Kim, in your prayers.... she's going in for surgery Tuesday, to have a new pacemaker put in.... Thank you....

Have a great Monday.....

Good Night....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Oh, it's only Wednesday.....

Could this week go any slower? Yesterday I spent half the day thinking it was Wednesday, only to get a shock when I glanced at the calender..... I am so tired today.....

We are still looking for a house.... I am waiting for a return call about a place for rent..... Hoping to get in this week sometime to look at the place..... I am going to call Lisa today .... She is the one who will be helping us with the possibilities of buying..... We'll see.....

Looks like rain today..... I need to get out & mow over at the barn..... Just a little strip there & one by the garage..... then I need to vacuum & dust the living room & bedroom.... scrub the bathroom..... move the fridge & clean behind it.... and put dishes away......

This is short, I have to get up & motivated..... Have a great day!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July weekend....

Well another 4th of July here & gone..... Before we know it summer will be over & fall will be here.... but anyhow back to now.... We had a very busy holiday weekend.....

Thursday evening Scott and I went to the New Bloomfield carnival..... But there was no enjoying that.... once we got there, the rain just came down like crazy....

Friday we were up & out of the house by 7:30.... We were helping Dale & Lori move from Loysville to New Bloomfield..... their new house is BEAUTIFUL!!!! in the evening we had some friends over.... BBQ'd & played holey board till 1AM!!!!

Saturday we did minimal work.... We were so tired from the move on Friday..... We talked of going to the flea market like usual, but realized we had more important things to get done....

So today (Sunday) we stayed home..... the baby goats needed a good layer of bedding, so that was first thing, after feeding of course.... We also finished butchering the last of the meat chickens.... all 14 of them.... Kevin was here to help..... we also got most of the garage cleaned out, & bunch of old boxes, trash, & tires burnt..... Now Scott & I are sitting here watching Ice Road Truckers.....

Tomorrow, back to work for everyone..... I have a big day planned.... scrub the kitchen/bathroom floors, weed flower beds, balance the check book & pay some bills, water all my hanging baskets, weed the garden (between the onion, garlic, & tomatoes)..... And Kevin is coming down in the morning to mow & weedwack for me..... All I have to do is make him lunch (and provide the gas, and mower....)..... I will also have Colton here.....

Well, I am off here to relax a little before heading to bed..... Have a great Monday everyone.....