Monday, April 27, 2009

Wow, an update...

Yes, that's right... I'm here giving an update... The weather has been absolutely beautiful, and we have taken full advantage of it...

My washer was moved upstairs this past week... Tonight it might be usable, we'll see... I've been going to Scott's Mom's to wash laundry...

I got our picnic table stained... it's needed it for about a good 6 years, but we just never did it... So last week, we splurged for a $7 can of redwood stain @ WalMart... I did the 1st coat on Friday, & Brian helped me with the 2nd & 3rd coats yesterday... Now it looks beautiful... I may just do my clothesline posts too, since I have extra...

My garden is finally tilled up... it's about 20x25 this year... I have to workat it this week & get a lot of the rocks picked out, so Scott can till it again, then we'll get a load of mushroom soil to till in... then I'll start planting... I'm going easy this year, since we have joined Spiral Path Organic Farm. I am planting 40(ish) tomato plants, a couple pepper plants, green beans, and maybe a row or 2 of potatoes(which I need to get in this week). I am also planting Mammoth Sunflowers on the outer edge of the garden (1 side)... My basil plants need to be transplanted into bigger pots (which I may do today)... I also have morning glories to get started, & hosta & gladilous to get in the ground...

Yesterday the whole yard was mowed, Scott was out for about an hour & half total... but he truely enjoyed himself... We both LOVE our new mower... We also moved the dog farther out back, due to the sun & heat... Now he is under a nice big pine tree, shade all day and even nicer when it rains, he's protected... Just a little farther from the house, but he'll get used to it...

Speaking of Bear, Friday him & I went for a walk around our property... If we walk it 5 times, it makes a mile... Saturday we walked up to Scott's Mom's... she's 5 houses up, not quite a 1/4 mile away, but it is up hill... and for some reason Bear felt the need to want to RUN... why at his age he'd want to run up hill, I'll never know... I did run for a short time, then held him back to walk...

Well I'm off here for now, I'll be back later to post some photos for your enjoyment...

Have a GREAT one....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rainy Tuesday.

Here it's been almost a whole week since I last updated. After I promised to tackle this more often. I do apologize, with all the nice weather I've been outside more, spending less time on the computer.

I finally tackled the garage Friday. I was tired of looking at it, & I understand that Scott is strapped for time. So it took me an hour & a half to finish it. Now I have a parking spot for my new mower, & I can actually walk on the floor to get to the freezer. WOO HOO.

We also organized the attic last week. All I have left to do is empty some canning jars of old food. Maybe today, we'll see. Ha Ha.

We had a great weekend. Saturday, Scott had to work, so I went to the little flea market up the road. Made a few $'s. Sunday morning we headed out to Williams Grove flea market. It was "slim pickens" due to the Holiday, but we still made out pretty good. In the afternoon, we were at Scott's Mom's for Easter dinner. His sister, brother in law & niece from northern PA were down. We had a wonderful time, & ate way to much of course.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hi All.

I've been a little lazy recently about my writing. I promise to get back to it more regularly. Really I do, ha ha.

We've had a pretty good week so far.

Sunday we had out first time for the season @ the Williams Grove Flea Market. Started out kind of COLD, but turned into a beautiful day. I ended up with a sunburned face. Made a good amount of money. After we came home, I was able to use my brand new clotheslines. WOO HOO. Then to make an already GREAT day even better, I got to mow. Using our NEW MOWER! So much FUN! We also had great visits from Darren & Scottie.

Monday was Scott's doctors appointment in Hershey. He has another in 2 weeks for a full MRI. After we came home, not much got done. We were so tired from the whole weekend, and then the trip, etc to Hershey. I did make supper; venison butterfly steaks w/ sauteed mushrooms & melted cheese, & mashed potatoes w/ gravy.

Tuesday was back to normal. Work, Colton, etc. Not to much exciting. Supper was a nice beef roast, done slowly in the oven all day, with a wonderful garden salad.

Today, again back to normal. Accomplished loads of stuff. Dishes, sparkly clean bathroom, vacuumed out whole room, took the dog for a nice run, lots of laundry, HUNG OUT. Made a wonderful supper using the leftover beef roast from last night. I shredded it up, sauteed mushrooms, made mashed potatoes, & gravy; then just piled it all on our plates. YUMMY! After supper we went for a 4~wheeler ride in the woods to feed the deer, then to Scott's Mom's for a quick visit. We came home & straight to the attic. It needed cleaned & organized. We have a great sell pile for the flea market this weekend. Now we are relaxing watching Ghost Hunters.

Tomorrow is supposed to be the nicest day of the week. I plan to take full advantage of it. windows open, laundry out on the line, & a nice walk. So enjoy your Thursday, make it a great one. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Showers Bring May Flowers.

We are starting the month out right. Rain coming today. We do need it, so I will not complain.

I have the flower beds all cleared out, & flowers are popping up already. We hope to get a garden area tilled this coming week, & I may actually get clotheslines this weekend. I'm SO excited.

I will start going to the flea market this weekend. I'm going to the little one in Port Royal. It will be a few weeks before we start the big one. I'm rather excited about that too. (I'm so easily entertained).

Monday Scott has a doctors appt with a knee specialist. They are talking knee replacement. We'll see.

Had some great visits with the boys. Tony & Nikki were up Sunday, along with Darren. I made a nice meal of pork loin roast, mashed potatoes, & gravy. It was a good time. Monday Scott & I were by ourselves for dinner. We had broiled steaks & a nice garden salad. Yesterday Scottie came up in the morning. Visited a little & took a load of firewood home. For supper I had a table full, Scott & I, Darren, & Jeff & TJ were here. I made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, & lima beans. Chocolate cake for dessert.

Well, guess I should get motivated to get something done. Ha Ha.

Have a great day.

* I am sorry about the color, it doesn't want to change.