Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas....

Can't believe it's that time of year again.... Where does the time go.... I finished our Christmas shopping Saturday.... WalMart was CRAZY.... I'll never do that again (wait, yeah I probably will.... LOL).... I still have my 3 boys to finish, but we will be doing Christmas with them on New Years Eve....

We're getting last minute things together for our trip.... For those of you who don't know, Scott & I are headed out to Kentucky to spend the Holiday with my family.... We leave tomorrow night, and will be home on Sunday....

We celebrated "early" with Scott's family.... Yesterday we had a "nontraditional" Christmas lunch and a great time of visiting.... We had Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Green Bean Casserole.... Ginger Cake & Pumpkin Pie for dessert.... MMmmmm GOOD.....

So anyhow, until I write again.... Have a very Merry CHRISTmas....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

7 days.... till Christmas....

I am no where near ready.... I have a bunch of shopping to finish.... I was going to head out today & do some of that, but I have a headache.... and didn't feel like taking Scott to work this morning... So I guess maybe tomorrow or Saturday....

I also have an order for a few rice bags.... so I have to get on that....

Yesterday we were without power for about 3 hours.... the pole in my yard was on fire.... ice must have made it short out....

Guess since I am not going shopping today, I will jsut get my housework done.... I have a bunch that needs done.... dishes, scrub the bathroom, scoop the catbox, laundry, dust, vacuum, and check for cob webs..... We'll see how much I actually get done.... LOL...

Have a great day....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I like Bob.....

For those of you who watch Survivor, you know who I'm talking about....

Sunday is the final episode.... I'm so excited.... although usually on these shows, the person I want to win NEVER does....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I had the BEST birthday EVER!!!!!

I have the BEST family & friends ever....

My hubby got me a GREAT birthday card.... he always does, he's great at picking cards.... always makes me cry....

All of my kids came up to see me & visit (of course I'm sure the free food had something to do with that.... LOL).... Jeff, Deb, Kaitie, Alan, TJ, Scott's Mom & Brian also was over....

Supper was ham, baked mac & cheese, baked beans, mashed taters, and red beets.... then of course spice cake & vanilla ice cream....

I received several MySpace comments (including a bunch from my Mama).... then lots of phone calls (my Dad & I talked for a while)....

I received lots of great gifts.... the Metz's went way above & beyond what they should have.... But I'm not complaining.... LOL....

So anyhow, I'm off here for the evening.... I'm beat.... Thanks to everyone who made my day special.... I'm 29 for only 364 days..... LOL...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm no longer a student....

I made the final decision last night.... I canceled my classes that were set to start in a month.... I was stressing out about stupid stuff really.... But if I'm constantly thinking, "am I going to pass this?".... "is this right?".... "can I make the payment every month?" $328 a month is a lot of money to come up with....

So after hours of talking to Scott & a couple friends about this.... I decided to "quit"....

I know I've upset a couple people, but this is my life, and like Scott said if I wasn't happy then do what I want....

So I still babysit Colton until the end of August.... then I can go do whatever I want.... there's a few headstarts and/or daycares that I could apply at.... But until then, I need to find something to occupy my time....

So if I've upset you or "let you down" I'm sorry.... but life still goes on, and I will be fine....