Friday, January 22, 2010

We're not crazy.... Really!!!

We've been taking a lot of criticism lately.... but we're not crazy!!!

I took Sheba kitty to the vet Tuesday for a huge lump on her side... She had been seen 2 months ago, and we were told it was nothing to worry about.... This time, I was told, a malignant tumor!!! Bigger than a baseball!!! So, we had xrays & blood work done to ensure that her kidneys were okay, before we decided anything further.... So Tuesday night she went through surgery, and came out just fine.... Half her body is stitches though.... She is on antibiotics, and new prescription food... We go back Monday to have the drain removed....

So, why the criticism? Because she's almost 17 years old.... Everyone keeps saying that I should have just had her put down....

Well, guess what? Our cat, our money.... My cat is a fighter, and is no where near ready to be put to sleep....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

What a great year 2009 was.... Praying that 2010 is even better....

It's been a month since I last updated.... Guess I've been a little busy.....
My 30th birthday has come and gone.... 30 is not that bad, really.... LOL....

We had a great Christmas.... Spent Christmas Eve with Scott's family, and my boss Mark joined us also.... Christmas Day was spent working, at the restaurant.... We had a buffet, with a great turn out....

New Years Eve was spent at home with a visit from the kids.... We did "Christmas" with them then.... I do believe we chose gifts that "made their days".... LOL.... New Years Day was spent again with Scott's family & the kids....

A quick update on everyone....

Scottie; is still in Florida... just recently started a new job, that he seems to enjoy and is paying well enough.... I'm sure he's not missing any of this snow at all....

Tony & Nikki; are doing well.... Even after Tony's accident on Christmas Day night.... He scared us all, but no major injuries & is healing well....

Rylin; is as cute as ever!!! and pooped in the big potty for the first time yesterday!!!!

Darren; is loving his job as a cook at the restaurant.... Tomorrow he will be moving back home for a few months.... It's a wise choice, with rent so high at his house, and the driveway about impassable at times.... We will enjoy having him at home....

Scott; is well.... Keeping busy cutting firewood... and helping the kids with car problems, etc.... He's had a great year at his job.... and is still loving it.... He works for some really great people.... He's been great about helping out around the house also.... What a great husband I have!!!

Myself; well.... I'm good.... No complaints.... Rice Bags are in demand right now.... and between the kids, restaurant, and the house I'm keeping busy.... I like it that way..... I'm still adjusting to "working".... it had been so long, 7 years to be exact.... So it will take a while to really adjust to everything.... I love who I work for & with.... Everyone is great.....

January seems to have jumped at us like a big 'ole lion.... BRRR.... Cold & very windy!!!! I'm on countdown for spring.... Can't wait to plant my garden & play in the flower beds.....

Well I must go.... still some housework to tackle this afternoon.... then I work later....

Until next time.... Be safe....