Monday, June 30, 2008

It's Monday, It's Humid, & I'm Tired......

We had a full weekend..... A lot got done..... And we were able to visit with friends too....

Friday evening, we put fresh bedding in the heifer pens at the barn..... Saturday, Scott worked.... So I did my basic cleaning, laundry, etc.... & picked some peas..... After Scott came home from work, we fed all the animals.... then went to Shermans Dale to the store..... we needed bags & freezer paper for chicken butchering...... We stopped in at Chad & Jess', they got back from their honeymoon & had some gifts for us.... We had a great time.... visiting, & eating.... Sunday we spent a few hours butchering chickens.... Well actually Scott did most of the work.... He killed, skinned, cleaned out, & cut up.... All I had to do was a little more clean up, & pack it away.... We got 8 done.... Then Jeff & Deb brought pizza over, and visited a while....

Today I have a bunch of things I want to get done.... dishes, laundry, vacuum living room & bedroom, swiffer kitchen & bathroom, clean back porch, put laundry away, and dust..... Tonight Scott will butcher 5 more chickens.... these are his Mom's.... she'll be here to take them home to finish them & freeze.....

Well, I better get a jump in the day.....It's Monday.... Make it a great one!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Guess I better give an update.....

Since I kinda got yelled at by my Mama for not updating......

It has been a busy couple of weeks..... We've gotten over the shock of having to move, and of course are diving in head first looking for a place..... Scott spoke with a real estate agent last evening.... We may look into buying our own place.....

The wedding was nice last week..... Such a wonderful time....

This past week has been full of rain.... almost everyday..... I'm not complaining though, the garden needs it..... We finally got the garden done.... oh wait I still have cucumbers to get in.... maybe I can work on that today..... We started picking peas already..... That's something else I need to work on today.....

Today I was supposed to go to a horse show.... TJ's first ever..... but Scott took the truck this morning.... So I'll be home all day..... oh well..... that's not all bad, with gas prices the way the are.....

Well, I'm done updating for now.... Just not really in the mood for it today..... LOL.... unti lnext time..... Make it a great Saturday..........

Monday, June 16, 2008

What a blow after a great day....

We had a great Sunday..... Scott had decided he wanted the "day off" from the flea market, so we stayed home.... I made him breakfast; biscuits, sausage gravy, eggs, coffee, & orange juice..... After breakfast he relaxed in his recliner until after 12.....

We then went to work in the garden..... Till the day was done we had 4 ~ 56' rows of beans.....

Around 6:00 while sitting at the table, the phone rings..... I answered it..... It was Maria (the manager of our place).... What we thought was going to be long term here on Stony Point Rd, has been cut short..... With the economy so bad, our landlord can not allow his son to borrow thousands from a bank for a house, when he has this place here....

It was a HUGE shock to us of course.... After a while, we had time to think & talk.... and we understand completely..... If the roles were turned, we would do the exact same thing.... So anyhow, now the search is on for a new place..... Maria said she may have a place for us, closer to town, for around the same price we pay here....

Anyhow, life goes on.... We will find a new place, we will move, we will be happy....

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Boy is it humid!!!!

Didn't sleep very well last night..... So humid....

Anyhow, it's Saturday..... Scott is working, the boys are all still sleeping..... I have a few things to do around here..... ~dishes ~make the bed ~vacuum the living room ~sweep the kitchen & bathroom floors ~get something out for supper...... then I plan to hit a few yard sales and stop at the grocery store.....

Tonight after supper, we need to haul feed into the feed boxes, put fresh bedding into the heifer pens, and stake up the tomato plants.....

Tomorrow is Sunday (Father's Day)..... We will spend the day at the flea market.....
So anyhow, until another time.... I'm off here to get my day going.... Make it a great one!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Finally Friday......

Well it is Friday..... I am excited! Why? I have no idea.... this week has been a little trying to say the least.... between the heat, Colton's attitude, Darren's trip to Ocean City, and just basic stuff, I'm ready for the weekend....

Last night we set up a small chicken coop & fencing for the rest of the chickens that were at the barn..... Now ALL my chickens are on this side of the house....

Today I have only a few things to do.... ~dishes ~vacuum ~laundry ~mow ~and possibly organize the basement...... I will also be without phone/internet at some point today.... Embarq is coming out today to replace the lines from the pole to the house.... Lets hope I have faster internet connection when they're all done......

Well I really should get a jump on my things to do.... I have TJ here today, let's hope her and Colton can play nice together..... I'm not in the mood to use timeout today..... LOL!

Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Colton's T~Ball

Thought I'd upload a pic of Colton up to bat.... we went to this evenings game..... It brought back so many memories of when the boys were small....

Half way through the week!

Well I did try to update yesterday, it actually said it saved & posted, but now that I check, it's not there.... Hmmm.....

Anyhow, I've had a few issues with my internet..... Friday ~ Monday I was unable to do anything online...... I've called my phone company, they'll be here Friday to replace the lines from the pole to the house..... We'll see if that helps.....

Friday was the last day of school..... I'm kinda glad for it..... Now it's not so much of a rush in the morning..... Scott had a 3 day weekend, Friday & Saturday he hunted groundhog...... he walked & walked.... but saw nothing.... the winner of the contest came in with only 6..... wasn't the best of weather, too HOT!!!!

We had a great day Sunday at the flea market.... it was HOT though..... we sold water, & soda too.... sold out of 2 cases of water by 9:30AM..... We made about $115.00, and was packed up & gone by 12:45PM.... In the afternoon we went swimming at Dale & Lori's...... It was NICE!

Monday, again HOT!! Colton & I went swimming at Dale & Lori's..... he swam almost the whole time we were there, 5 1/2 hours...... in the evening we went to Scott's Mom's for supper, and Scott fixed her lawn mower......

Tuesday, yes you've guessed it.... HOT!!!! Colton and I did a bunch of things around the house..... in the afternoon, we started barn chores early to get them done before Scott came home..... while at the barn, Colton's dad came (early)..... that was kinda nice..... I finished up, just as Scott was coming down the road..... Kevin came over to visit...... We had decided to go out to eat.... So we went to the Blain Hotel (Scott, myself, Kevin, & Tony).... Kevin treated! that was nice..... While at supper, it rained..... Not a lot, but enough...... After supper, we weeded the garden.....

Today will be a day of dusting, scrubbing floors, vacuuming, & re potting a few plants outside...... Tonight we may go to Colton's game..... It's his last home game..... We also need to get the grass mowed, & finish re tilling the garden......

Have a great Wednesday.....

Thursday, June 5, 2008

2" of rain in 2 days.......

Yes that's right.... 2" in 2 days.... Everything is pretty wet.... But here come the 90's.... Everything will dry out QUICK!!!!

Last night we put up most of the new fence and set up the electric for the steer pasture.... Tonight we just have to go straight across to block off the wooded area..... then out they go....

Today Colton and I have a lot to get done.... Fresh bedding for both heifer pens, the goat pen, and the meat chickens pen.... We also have a row of red beets to get in the garden.... and a bag full of iris' to plant.... If we have time, we will weed the flower beds too.... I also have laundry to get done....

Tomorrow is the last day of school for West Perry..... I think I'm just as excited as T.J. is..... 2 1/2 months without having to walk to the bus.... Hard to believe summer is actually here....

Well I'm off here to get started on my day.... and maybe something for breakfast....

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The sun is trying to peak through.......

Maybe I can get a load of laundry out yet..... I really miss not being able to put any out....

Colton has my living room ripped apart so he could make a "fort".... oh well, he's having fun....

I cleaned my whole bathroom, scrubbed the kitchen floor, did a complete change over of the cat box, & made my bed this morning.... I know some of these items were on yesterdays list, but it was just too nice out yesterday to stay in and clean..... After the floor dries, I might go back over it for an extra scrub..... I also need to vacuum the living room & my bedroom... also all my window sills....

I spent a while yesterday clipping coupons and comparing them with sales flyers.... I have always been a "tightwad" but now even more so..... with gas at $4.00/ gallon, I've got to save any way I can.... the amish store provides a great savings for me on most items.... but if I can combine a trip, and use my coupons plus mail in rebates to get something cheaper, I will.... Rite Aid and Dollar General both offer great mail in rebates.... It's worth the extra time I spend....

My garden is coming along great.... I guess I'll be putting in another row of beets.... I already have one row (and I'm the only one who eats them), so I thought I'd give Jeff the rest of the seeds, but he has some already.... I am hoping to be able to sell my "extra" produce this year....

I need to spend about an hour downstairs organizing my 3 freezers, I may be able to shut one off.... I need to take "inventory" on what I have.... I may need to order another pig soon.... My chickens will soon be ready for butchering.... I also need to take inventory of my pantry shelf, for BBQ sauce, ketchup, etc....

Well I'm off to check my kitchen floor... Make it a productive Wednesday....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oh no... this country is in trouble....

I just read that Clinton will concede to Obama tonight.... Although I am not a democrat, I would have felt a little "safer" with Clinton..... Obama just plain out scares me....

All we can do is PRAY..... and vote republican!

Tuesday, and all is well.....

It's a bright and beautiful day already.... High's in the 80*'s for today.... Rain coming tonight & tomorrow....

I have to work more in the garden.... We were hoping to get it all done Sunday, but of course things happen.... I have to get my beans & cucumbers in yet.... I am getting free strawberry plants from Lori, that will be nice in years to come....

We went last night and got fencing & posts off of Dale & Lori.... some of the posts we will use in the pasture by the barn.... the rest will go to another chicken run.... We also went to Blain Supply last night to pick up some feed I needed.... While there something caught my eye in the first aisle.... It was a food mill, to make sauces, babyfood, etc.... I've been wanting one, since I borrowed Deb's 2 years ago to make my applesauce.... But haven't been able to find them for under $100.00.... this was $49.95.... It's sitting in my kitchen... I can't wait until fall for apples....

Today I have lots to get done... I have a load of towels out on the line already, plus I have Scottie's laundry, Darren's laundry, and Darren's sheets to get done & out on the line.... I am also hoping to vacuum out the window sills, scrub the woodwork in the bathroom, change the catbox, scrub the kitchen floor, change the bird cages, & vacuum the living room.... Plus I have gardening & flowers to transplant outside.....

Guess I better get going.... things don't clean themselves.... Have a great Tuesday.....

It's the little things.....

When it comes right down to it these days, it is the little things that count.....

Some of my "little things"

~ I have a very loving family....
~ my husband is great.....
~ I have the freedom to worship as I see fit.....
~ I have the ability to grow my own food (gardening & raising animals)
~ my husband works only 2.9 miles from home (saving tons in gas compared to others we know...)
~ I am free to use my clotheslines everyday
~ I am here to live another day.... I can see, hear, talk, walk.... something we all take for granted in todays world....

Have you sat and thought of your "little things"? It's worth it.....

Sunday, June 1, 2008

80* and Sunny....

Yes, that's the forecast for today...... A perfect day for the flea market..... But we are home.... We have so much to do around here.....

I have some house work to get done, a few loads of laundry..... Then garden work.... Scott is going to "retill" the garden..... I am hoping to get most of everything in today..... I do need to get more mushroom soil......

Yesterday, Scott worked till 4..... While he worked Darren and I went over the mountain.... He wanted to get his lip repierced.... while we were there I had the guy change my nose ring..... the old one kept trying to fall out..... At 5:30 we went to Dale & Lori's..... It was great..... It had been a long time since we "hung out"...... We had burgers and sausages.... chips.... and salads..... Scott & Dale played holy board..... Lori & I just visited..... Then came the topic of having a fire.... All their wood was wet, so we came to our place..... Had a HUGE fire..... it was awesome..... They are coming over at some point today, for more hanging out.....

Well, the cattle are "screaming"..... so I guess that means we should go feed..... Have a great Sunday.....