Sunday, January 18, 2009

A great weekend.

Saturday; Scott worked of course. I was home all day, doing basically nothing. At 3:30 I met him @ his work, and we left for the P.A. Farm Show. It was free for us. We drove his boss' truck, & free admission. I even left with a free poinsettia that fills my kitchen table. Then his boss took us out for supper @ KFC. We were home by 8:30, settled in and rented a movie off of PPV.

Sunday (today); We slept in a little, 8:00. I did my normal morning routine, then I relaxed and watched a Lifetime movie. By 10:30 we were ready and out the door, heading to a local auction. We got there and they weren't letting anyone in yet, so we killed time by going out for an early lunch. Our favorite little pizza place had just opened for the day. Cheeseburgers & large fries was our lunch. We stopped and picked up a Sunday paper (gotta have those coupons), by then they had opened the doors @ the auction. There was SOOOOO much stuff. Everywhere you looked, STUFF. We spent a little more than what we had budgeted, but there was a few things that we can resell, and make our money back plus some. My "prize" for the night is an antique oil lamp. BEAUtiful!!!! and for only $11.00. So anyhow, we were then invited to Tony & Nikki's for supper. Oh my, let me just tell you.... that girl can COOK. She made stuffed shells. YUMMY.... We had a great visit with them.

Now we are home, relaxing, and watching football. Back to the grind tomorrow. I will have Colton all day, no school.... Hoping to go to Scottie & Darren's for supper... I have to call them...

So, I'm off for now... Make it a great week. Until next time.... Thanks for reading....

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