Friday, January 30, 2009

I can't believe this.

Oh wait, YES I can. This is seriously what this world is coming to...


In this house, we drink RAW milk. EVERYDAY. Have for many, many years. It's the only milk we enjoy. I do not have my own dairy cow, but an Amish neighbor does, and is willing to sell. We love it. Also; in this house, RAW eggs. LOL. Heaven forbid that eggs not come from the store. I can't even eat eggs from the store. Makes me want to vomit!!! How do you know how long they've been sitting somewhere? I prefer to know that my eggs are less than 12 hours old.

Before you know it, you'll go to jail for raising your own garden. Well, I'm sorry. We're not stopping. The Fresher The Better!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow & Ice.

That's what we woke up to today. I shoveled our sidewalk this afternoon, & Scott shoveled out the mailbox run when he came home from work. After supper, we were in the living room watching t.v. when a Dodge truck w/ a plow pulled up & plowed out our driveway. We guessing it's Denny (the guy we're buying the house from).

So anyhow, I've had a boring couple of days. I've only had Colton once this week, and that was Monday morning. So I've gotten a lot of housework done, and some relaxation.

We've had some pretty good meals this week so far.... Monday; Chicken & Dumplings over french fries. Tuesday; Fried potatoes, fried boneless pork chops, & sauteed mushrooms. & tonight was an easy meal of beef & noodles hamburger helper.

Tomorrow as long as the roads are good, I'm headed to Deb's for some cleaning.

So anyhow, we are relaxing... watching Ghost Hunters International.... and are headed to bed soon.

More later. For now, thanks for reading.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just don't know what to say....

How much can one family take?

A local family that we know is need of our prayers.

Thursday Bonnie was involved in a "horse accident", where a horse was tied to a gate.... got spooked... ran.... the gate went with.... & Bonnie was hit straight on in the face with the gate.... She goes this week for re constructive surgery.....

Early this morning Bonnie's husband, Rob, lost his son to a fire.... He was an adult... but that doesn't lessen the pain & sorrow.... His mobile home went up in flames and he was unable to escape...

So please if you can, remember this family tonight & over the next few days.... They are a good family....


Sunday, January 25, 2009

To tired to blog....

.... about the GREAT weekend I had..... So stop back by tomorrow, and I promise there will be an update....

Also.... Follow the link and sign my guestbook..... This way I can see who's stopping by.... Inquiring minds want to know.... LOL....

Friday, January 23, 2009

.... TGIF ....

I am soooo glad it's Friday. Guess I can't complain to much, this week has been fairly decent. With the exception of yesterday. The weather has been warming up this week, and today we could see close to 50*, and lots of sunshine.

Tuesday Evening; Tony & Nikki brought Rylin up & we did some sledding. A couple hours, then we called it quits due to the wind. (I did post photo's, I'm sure most of you have seen those).

Wednesday; I did a lot around the house, and Scott came home early from work (4:00). After Colton left, we went to Loysville for supper, gas, & bread. Then home for relaxing.

Thursday; We were up @ 2:00A.M. and getting things ready for Scott to head to work. He pulled out of the driveway @ 2:40, and I went back to bed, way to early to stay up for the day. So anyhow I got up to face the day @ 6ish. An early morning visit from a neighbor ruined my whole day @ that point. He told me that our "friend" Kevin was in jail. As we talked on the porch, somethings came out about what Kevin has been saying to people, at that point I was "seeing red". So anyhow, my day "sucked" after that. Colton left early. Scott didn't get home until 8:30P.M. We talked for a while about the days "events", bed at 10:00P.M.

Today; I'm so glad it's Friday. Scott is getting ready to head out to work now. I will have Colton today, and he has school (he's gone from 10:45 ~ 3:50). I have some things to accomplish today. ~make a few phone calls ~dishes ~laundry ~vacuum the whole house ~bird cages ~clean off the front porch. We may go over to Scott's bear hunting buddies tonight for a cook out. We'll see....

Well I'm off here for now. Have a great weekend. Cold weather on it's way back.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sledding.... A great evening....

^^Rylin & Pops...^^

^^What a cute little family^^
^^My hubby... How cute...^^
^^Rylin being pulled by Tony^^

Well say goodbye to the way things were....

Today @ Noon, our Nation will be changed forever....
and not for the better....
I believe Obama is nothing but EVIL....

We need to prepare for the worst.... Pray, stock up on everything, keep cash on hand not in the bank, garden if you can (learn to if you have no idea how), can or freeze everything you can get your hands on.... We need to learn to be as self sufficient as possible!

Scott and I are doing all we can to be prepared... We're not taking any chances....

** I know I may offend some with what I've said, but this is my BLOG and these are my beliefs...**

Monday, January 19, 2009


I have had a very productive day. Which is very amazing to even myself, since I woke up so TIRED today. I've....

  • washed & dried 2 loads of laundry (including our sheets),
  • scrubbed the whole bathroom,
  • changed around some items on our dressers,
  • scooped the cat box,
  • put the dog back outside since it warmed up so nice,
  • vacuumed the whole house,
  • washed dishes twice,
  • and, I've even had Colton all day.

This evening we are heading over to Darren & Scottie's for supper. Darren says he's making "breakfast" for supper. I am hoping to remember my camera to get some photo's of their house.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A great weekend.

Saturday; Scott worked of course. I was home all day, doing basically nothing. At 3:30 I met him @ his work, and we left for the P.A. Farm Show. It was free for us. We drove his boss' truck, & free admission. I even left with a free poinsettia that fills my kitchen table. Then his boss took us out for supper @ KFC. We were home by 8:30, settled in and rented a movie off of PPV.

Sunday (today); We slept in a little, 8:00. I did my normal morning routine, then I relaxed and watched a Lifetime movie. By 10:30 we were ready and out the door, heading to a local auction. We got there and they weren't letting anyone in yet, so we killed time by going out for an early lunch. Our favorite little pizza place had just opened for the day. Cheeseburgers & large fries was our lunch. We stopped and picked up a Sunday paper (gotta have those coupons), by then they had opened the doors @ the auction. There was SOOOOO much stuff. Everywhere you looked, STUFF. We spent a little more than what we had budgeted, but there was a few things that we can resell, and make our money back plus some. My "prize" for the night is an antique oil lamp. BEAUtiful!!!! and for only $11.00. So anyhow, we were then invited to Tony & Nikki's for supper. Oh my, let me just tell you.... that girl can COOK. She made stuffed shells. YUMMY.... We had a great visit with them.

Now we are home, relaxing, and watching football. Back to the grind tomorrow. I will have Colton all day, no school.... Hoping to go to Scottie & Darren's for supper... I have to call them...

So, I'm off for now... Make it a great week. Until next time.... Thanks for reading....

Saturday, January 17, 2009

This is just crazy....

Yes folks that bottom number is -5.6..... Couldn't believe it.... That was at 6A.M. Brrrrr....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Doesn't this just look.....


Another pot of soup...

This cold winter weather has me craving soup all the time. Yesterday I made homemade tomato soup. It was okay, but needs a little tweaking. I'll master it next time. Today is beef veggie simmering on the stove. I've been "stealing" spoonfuls every time I walk past, LOL.

This week has been nicely productive for myself. Monday of course I tore the house apart and put it all back together again. Yesterday I finished the office. Finally for the 1st time since we've moved in, it is in order. Scott hung my shelves up, so I was able to display my Stephen King books the way I wanted to. We've had some great meals this week....
  • Tuesday: Baked Chicken Breast, with baked potatoes & corn...
  • Wednesday: Spaghetti & Meatballs & homemade bread (sauce & meatballs were both homemade)
  • Thursday: Homemade Tomato soup & Toasted Cheese

I am hoping to get some photo's uploaded here soon. Blogspot has been giving me issues with that.

So anyhow, it's Friday... Have a great weekend....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

House is done..

Yesterday I worked hard at getting this whole house done. It's so nice now. No longer do I feel like the walls are closing in. I do have a few little things to finish in the office, but I'm waiting on Scott to hang another shelf.

So, since I did all that work yesterday I had nothing to do today. 1 load of laundry, a few dishes, made egg salad. I have chicken breast, baked potatoes, & corn going for supper. On a down side I have one of the biggest headaches I've had in awhile. Not sure why.

While supper is finishing Scott is off to feed his deer & bring in the memory card out of his trail camera. He loves to do that, and to be honest, I really enjoy riding out there with him & seeing all the photo's when we get back.

Tonight I think I'll settle in and read.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'll be....

..... Ripping my house a part.... I feel like the walls are closing in..... It's that time of year....

So everything will come out from where it is.... everything will be cleaned..... maybe some rearranging.... maybe make some new curtains for my kitchen....

No money spent.... Just a good overall CLEAN.... and different look....

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Well here it is Sunday morning....

Thought I'd be happier than I am.... but the game last night, kinda ruined that.... the Panthers couldn't play their way out of a paper bag.... really it was that bad.... but hey, whatever.... their season is over.... Now I don't care who wins any of the games....

But anyhow.... I went to the grocery store Friday.... they had a few good sales, and the weather forecast didn't look good for the weekend.... So I went, bought what was exactly on my list, had coupons for everything.... still spent $18..... I made a wonderful venison stew & homemade bread for supper that night.... YUMMY..... then we went out on the 4wheeler to feed the deer & change memory cards in the trail camera.... (we won't talk about Brian scarring the crap out of me, LOL)...

Saturday.... we lazied around most of the morning.... then we started baths (takes time when there's 2 of us) , then Darren came up..... We had to go to Scott's mom's.... Scott worked on her computer (it runs a lot faster now, and better stay that way).... it was a fun time up there.... anyhow, back home..... Darren and I went to the garage to the freezer.... and Scott started the charcoal in the grill.... we made steaks & seasoned potatoes.... again, YUMMY.... played Monopoly (the here & now version).... and watched football.... then my game came on.... Kevin & Scottie showed up about the same times.... I won't talk about the game, since I already did....

Now today is Sunday.... I've fed the animals, and have laundry started.... I have dishes, vacuuming, & dusting to do.... maybe I'll get motivated soon.... I should one of the boys or Kevin & have them grab me a newspaper.... I want coupons....

Make it a great one....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7.... How's your resolution coming?

We're doing awesome on our resolution.

I am researching a lot on ways to get free food, toiletries, cleaning products, etc.... I've been going to individual "name brand" web sites requesting coupons, free samples, etc.... (just learned about doing this today).... I do need to find out if our local stores will accept printed coupons.... *if anyone has any other tips, please let me know*....

I have started getting our milk fresh, through an amish neighbor.... for $1 / 1/2 gallon.... which saves me $1 each time as compared to buying it at the grocery store....

We are also considering downgrading the dish programing & the phone features.... Not sure, we'll see.....

Under construction....

Please be patient while my page is under a little minor construction.

I have changed backgrounds and such, but lost all my photo's & extra's along the side. It will take me a little time to get them all back on there.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

I never thought I'd say this...

But I am HAPPY that the Eagles won today.... I needed them to win so that they would move on to play the Giants & I (the Panthers) would move onto the Cardinals.... and that happened today....

So next Saturday the Panthers will take on the Cardinals.....


Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolution....

Did you set one?

We did....

We succeeded with last years & will continue with it.... Which was to eat & live healthier.... We've cut out most "junk".... I cook mostly from scratch.... switched to sea salt.... eat smaller portions.... drink a lot of water.... take a multi vitamin every day.... I would like to start exercising more this year....

Our main 2009 resolution is to live by our strict monthly budget.... We sat down last night and got it all set up.... right now there is no extra spending.... if we want something that's not included in our budget, we will write it on a "wish list" on the fridge.... let the item on the list for 10 ~ 14 days, and re~evaluate "do we really need this?" if the answer is YES then we will save the money for it.... if the answer is NO, then we're not out anything....

Today I went through all the cupboards & freezers and documented everything we have.... I couldn't believe the amount of food we actually have.... I have set a budget of $50 a month for food.... which should be plenty, with cooking from scratch, eating less, and eating straight from what we have.... I could also save a little extra by getting milk from the farm again.... I might look into doing that again....

So anyhow for those of you who have set resolutions & goals.... Good Luck....

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Hard to believe it's Jan 1, 2009. WOW, where did 2008 go?

We've had a busy couple of weeks. Seems I've been in a vehicle for 2 weeks straight. LOL. Between shopping for the holidays & traveling to see my family in Kentucky. Which by the way was a great time. Scott & I each got a new tattoo, my sister does them. We LOVE them. Had a great time playing my Mom's new Wii. And I got to spend time with my 2 nieces. It was a quick trip, wish we would have had more time.

Now we are back home. And I am just as tired. LOL. I shopped Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday for CHRISTmas gifts for my boys. Then cleaned my butt off, getting ready for our CHRISTmas with the boys. Scottie never showed up, which upset us, but hey life moves on. So New Years Eve was great. We had WAY to much food, of course. Darren & Tony were VERY happy with all their gifts. Tony, Nikki, & Rylin stayed the night. By 12:30 we were all in bed & asleep.

Today, we "relaxed" this morning. Then went to Scott's Mom's for lunch. WAY to much food again, go figuare. We hung out for a while, Brian played the piano for us. After we came home, Darren & Scott fixed Darren's car, and I started cleaning. Vacuumed, laundry, cleaned bird cages, dishes, & wrote out our 2009 budget. Now we are relaxing, and watching t.v.

Tomorrow I will pay a few bills. Make a few phone calls. Combine 2 freezers into 1, to save electric. I will track everything that's in the freezer, cubboards, and on my canning shelves so I know what I need to buy & stock up on. I'll also have Colton tomorrow.

Well that's all for now. Until another time, Have a great one.