Sunday, June 14, 2009

A great weekend.

Sunday evening... and we feel accomplished!!!!

Friday evening;
We took Kevin out to supper for his birthday. Darren came along. We also stopped at Super Shoes for Darren and then WalMart for a few groceries. After coming home we settled in and watched the new Clint Eastwood movie 'Gran Torino'. What a great movie.

I spent a good part of the morning getting our new wireless router hooked up. Actually turned out to be easier than I thought. I also got all of my housework finished & all 5 loads of laundry done. Scott put his new brakes on the truck. Then Scottie's car broke down, so we headed out to help him. Fixed it temporarily. Came home in Nikki's car, so that her, Tony, & Darren could all head to NY with my Blazer to help their Mom & StepDad with more concrete. Till we got back, Kevin had taken our truck and came back with a big load of mushroom soil for me. I spent the rest of the evening playing in the garden. While Scott mowed the grass. Finally came in at about 9:15. Had a nice veggie salad for supper, then a nice warm shower.

Today (Sunday);
I did a little more housework,made breakfast for Scott & Scottie(he's been here all day to visit), made 2 loaves of homemade bread, & finished the garden (with Scottie's help). Supper was baked chicken & corn along with more of the veggie salad & homemade bread. Scott finished mowing the grass & also went up the road to pick up a free concrete bird bath for me.

This week I plan to work in the flower beds more (it's a never ending process), clean out my kitchen cubboards, scrub the hard water stains out of the tub & washer, and re~arrange my office (again).

Well I'm off to water the garden, then relax until morning. Thanks for reading, have a great week!

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