Monday, June 29, 2009

Lions & Tigers & Bears... Oh My....

Okay so maybe only Bears.... LOL....

Checked the trail camera on Friday.... to find deer, squirrel, & Bear....

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Colton Lost his 2nd tooth.... finally....

A beautiful day ahead....

Good Morning....

Yesterday was the first beautiful day in a while.... No rain!!! I had so much planned inside, did the bare minimum and went outside.... Loved it so much that I forgot about supper until about 4:00.... then I was scrambling around to get something defrosted and cooking.... Last evening, we started moving the wood pile.... Hope to finish that this week....

Today is another gorgeous day..... I have a lot I want to get done.... reorganize & wipe out all the kitchen cabinets.... wash windows, inside & out.... clean out the bird cages.... wash my blazer.... and start washing down the outside of the house (by hand of course, we don't have a power washer... our house is small enough to get it done today)....

Guess I better plan supper this morning.... can't forget about it again....

Well I'm off here for now.... Gotta get my day started.... Make it a great one....

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day....

Also the 1st day of summer.... although you could have fooled me....

So anyhow.... I called my Dad already and wished him a Happy Father's Day... they were still sleeping, but they're up now.... LOL.... His card is in the mail, of course arriving late as I didn't have the money to get one earlier in the week.... poor planning on my part....

I made breakfast for Scott.... Scrambled eggs, biscuits, sausage w/ country gravy, & fried potatoes.... We're still waiting on the kids to show up....

We're going to spend the day relaxing.... with the exception of getting dishes done....

Have a great Sunday....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sheba Kitty

She is comfy.... just purring along while sleeping...
She didn't even wake up when Scott took this pic....

Monday, June 15, 2009

What a Monday.

Today I woke up before my alarm went off.... Not a whole lot to accomplish today.... So I took my time this morning.... Fed the animals, took the birds outside in their cages, cleaned up the kitchen, made our bed & tidied up the bedroom a bit.... Then I sat and played on the computer for a while....

Colton showed up while I was putting my latest Netflix movie in the mailbox to ship out.... Not long after, Scottie came up.... He spent the whole day here.... We played badminton, visited with the neighbor while Colton played with her daughter....

Scott left work early to head to another knee doctor appointment.... He was home by 2:00 and helping Scottie replace the power steering pump & belt.... After the car was fixed, Kevin stopped by and brought me 100lbs of potatoes (Scott's Mom and I will share these throughout the summer, I hope to get another 100lbs everyother week for us to can)..... Scott and I decided to play a game of badminton, Scottie & Colton did join in for a few serves.... While we were playing, Scott's Mom pulled in the driveway calling my name....

She had 8 quarts of beautiful strawberries on the seat of her truck.... We spent the next 2 hours making jam.... All during this, we ended up making arrangements for Colton to stay the night.... He's been bugging to, and his parents had other things going on.... So it was a perfect time for it.... He's now riding his bike without training wheels.... WOO HOO.... by tomorrow evening he'll be riding all over the place....

So as you can tell, not much really got "accomplished" around here.... but it was a great day anyhow....

Tomorrow is another day.... and since Colton is already here, I will get an early start to my day....

Photos of a great day....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Some photos of our work this weekend....

^ Potatoes w/ new layer of mushroom soil^

^whole garden w/ new layer of mushroom soil^

^ new area made by garage to "dress it up"^

^ free bird bath^

^ my homemade bread, a french bread recipe ^

A great weekend.

Sunday evening... and we feel accomplished!!!!

Friday evening;
We took Kevin out to supper for his birthday. Darren came along. We also stopped at Super Shoes for Darren and then WalMart for a few groceries. After coming home we settled in and watched the new Clint Eastwood movie 'Gran Torino'. What a great movie.

I spent a good part of the morning getting our new wireless router hooked up. Actually turned out to be easier than I thought. I also got all of my housework finished & all 5 loads of laundry done. Scott put his new brakes on the truck. Then Scottie's car broke down, so we headed out to help him. Fixed it temporarily. Came home in Nikki's car, so that her, Tony, & Darren could all head to NY with my Blazer to help their Mom & StepDad with more concrete. Till we got back, Kevin had taken our truck and came back with a big load of mushroom soil for me. I spent the rest of the evening playing in the garden. While Scott mowed the grass. Finally came in at about 9:15. Had a nice veggie salad for supper, then a nice warm shower.

Today (Sunday);
I did a little more housework,made breakfast for Scott & Scottie(he's been here all day to visit), made 2 loaves of homemade bread, & finished the garden (with Scottie's help). Supper was baked chicken & corn along with more of the veggie salad & homemade bread. Scott finished mowing the grass & also went up the road to pick up a free concrete bird bath for me.

This week I plan to work in the flower beds more (it's a never ending process), clean out my kitchen cubboards, scrub the hard water stains out of the tub & washer, and re~arrange my office (again).

Well I'm off to water the garden, then relax until morning. Thanks for reading, have a great week!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Yup. That's me.... at about age 2 or so....

Way CUTE, I know....

I love this photo....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our garden.... Today....

Well here's our garden.... the tomato plants are looking a bit straggly due to the cooler temps & soooo much rain.... they'll perk up come July.... The potatoes & green beans are rather loving this weather....

This is the smallest garden we've ever planted... it feels weird, but with only the 2 of us here, not so much is needed.... plus we joined Spiral Path (an organic produce farm)...

Meet our newest addition....

We haven't named him yet.... but Sunday morning this little guy showed up in my yard.... and hasn't left.... such a cutie too.... so loveable....

Free Meal.

Anyone got a Fire Mountain Buffet or Ryan's Buffet?

You can get a free meal. Sign up for their e~club, , and you'll get a coupon for Buy One All you can eat Buffet, get one free.

Thought I'd share.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

What a great Sunday....

We spent a couple of hours cleaning our garage today.... I took all our flea market items to the basement since it stays dry now.... Scott organized his tools, etc just the way he wants them.... then this evening we went to his Mom's and brought his big Snap On tool box home (for the first time in 12 years).... The garage looks a lot better.... still needs a little "tweaking", but much better than before....

We also watched the race this afternoon.... which we had to watch online, since I downgraded our dish network package, we don't get TNT & ESPN.... we actually enjoyed watching it online more.... we could choose in car camera's, around the track, the lead, etc.... or we could split the screen into 4.... it was great....

Well I'm off for the night.... Enjoy....



Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rearranged the bedroom....

Deer hide from Scott's 1st buck. 1977.

I spent some time rearranging our bedroom this week.... This is how it turned out, and we love it.... there seems to be so much more room....

I can't wait until we can remodel this room.... I'm tired of the green carpet, and water stained walls.... but it's livable.... LOL....

Friday, June 5, 2009

HiGh SpEed!!!!

We're officially running with high speed internet as of today....

Be prepared for lots of updates & photos from now on....