Today I woke up before my alarm went off.... Not a whole lot to accomplish today.... So I took my time this morning.... Fed the animals, took the birds outside in their cages, cleaned up the kitchen, made our bed & tidied up the bedroom a bit.... Then I sat and played on the computer for a while....
Colton showed up while I was putting my latest Netflix movie in the mailbox to ship out.... Not long after, Scottie came up.... He spent the whole day here.... We played badminton, visited with the neighbor while Colton played with her daughter....
Scott left work early to head to another knee doctor appointment.... He was home by 2:00 and helping Scottie replace the power steering pump & belt.... After the car was fixed, Kevin stopped by and brought me 100lbs of potatoes (Scott's Mom and I will share these throughout the summer, I hope to get another 100lbs everyother week for us to can)..... Scott and I decided to play a game of badminton, Scottie & Colton did join in for a few serves.... While we were playing, Scott's Mom pulled in the driveway calling my name....
She had 8 quarts of beautiful strawberries on the seat of her truck.... We spent the next 2 hours making jam.... All during this, we ended up making arrangements for Colton to stay the night.... He's been bugging to, and his parents had other things going on.... So it was a perfect time for it.... He's now riding his bike without training wheels.... WOO HOO.... by tomorrow evening he'll be riding all over the place....
So as you can tell, not much really got "accomplished" around here.... but it was a great day anyhow....
Tomorrow is another day.... and since Colton is already here, I will get an early start to my day....